While the ways below will not make you rich, they will certainly more than supplement an income. As with anything, it will take some time and effort, but these are tested bonafide ways to earn money without having to invest any. I urge you to try them out. Become familiar with them. The networking opportunites with these programs are endless. You can meet a lot of people and share as well. I have fun with these. If properly utilized so can you. Enjoy!
myLot - I love this site! You can earn cash for conversating. That's it. Never has anything been easier. Nothing to join either. It's like FaceBook on steroids! One of the best places to learn and network.
Bukisa - Earn for sharing what you know. I also love this one for the networking opportunity. It's also a great place to learn and grow.
Income for Life- It's just that! A real company where a residual income can be otained for $10.00 a month. Watch the 4-minute flash presentation for details!